Course Details
CB005 Conversations on Power - Interactive Webinar Training
Come join us in this safe, interactive space where everyone’s voice and vision can be shared and heard. In this time of social divisions and tensions, our course takes you on a journey of discovery and connection. This highly engaging and interactive 3-part webinar series of conversations builds upon and adds to participants’ personal/family journeys as well as their collective insights about the role of racial, ethnic, and other differences in US history and society. We ask and explore questions including: What are the root concepts or beliefs that give birth to privilege, unequal power and prejudice? What role did Story, Land, Labor, and Race play in the creation and maintenance of Privilege, Power, Prejudice and Capitalism?
The session allows participants to explore diversity within a social, political, economic and historic lens. We will accurately present and analyze examples of the history of the creation of race and power.
This faculty-led webinar training will last 90 minutes and includes resource materials, learning checks, interactive polling, and participant Q&A with the faculty. A quiz will be open at the conclusion of the session, and it must be passed in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session.Course Length: 1/4 Days
Tuition: $120.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes