Course Details

CB199vc Conversations on Privilege, Power, Prejudice

Come join us in this safe, interactive space where everyone’s voices and visions can be shared and heard. In this time of social divisions and tensions, our course takes participants on a journey of discovery and connection. This highly engaging and interactive series of conversations builds upon and adds to participants’ personal/family journeys as well as their collective insights about the role of racial, ethnic, and other differences in US history and society. The session allows participants to explore diversity within social, political, economic and historic lenses.

We ask and discuss questions including: What are the root concepts or beliefs that give birth to privilege, unequal power and prejudice? What role did story, land, labor, and race play in the creation and maintenance of privilege, power, prejudice and capitalism?

Unlike many sessions about race and diversity that are shame, blame and guilt ceremonies, this session allows new conversations in a safe, respectful, and even sacred space. Participants experience the power of storytelling in the creation and maintenance of race myths as well as its power to connect people and combat structural inequities. They explore the ways that generations of Americans have experienced and responded to racism, as well as the ways that they can contribute to a more equitable society.

We are not offering answers, but we will have a deep, insightful, safe and, at times, fun conversation that will help you understand equity, and what you can do to bolster it.

This faculty-led course includes self-paced online assignments and the use of peer discussion forums. The course is presented in four weekly lessons. A live online session is held weekly with the faculty and participants. Participants should expect to spend approximately four hours per week on course related reading and assignments.

Community Engagement Professional Certificate Program: ELECTIVE COURSE

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $565.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes