Course Details

HO270 Senior Services for Housing Counselors

HO270 – Senior Services for Housing Counselors. Looking for ways to serve the older members of your community? This new course will provide an overview of financial, social service, health, and housing programs commonly accessed by older adults. Participants will be able to use this knowledge to provide more in-depth assessments of their older counseling clients and to help clients to understand their financial options to Age in Place. Programs to be covered include: • Social Security • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Social Security Disability Income • Medicare, including Medicare Prescription Drug program (Part D) and Medigap or supplemental insurance • Medicaid • VA benefits for veterans and their spouses • Senior housing and long-term care options from apartments to nursing homes • Home care and hospice services

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $800.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No