Course Details
HO347el Best Practices to Improve Your Foreclosure Intervention Counseling Program
Intended for executive directors, foreclosure program managers and certified foreclosure intervention counselors, this course will help you develop a customized action plan so that you can begin to integrate effective foreclosure intervention practices at your organization. Components of this course include identifying the key elements of effective foreclosure intervention programs and policies, using information and assessment tools to identify areas of strength and needed improvements of your foreclosure intervention program and applying best practices to your program and incorporating these into an action plan that will result in improved program outcomes.
This course will assist organizations with existing foreclosure programs and agencies that are starting programs in evaluating their program and identifying current best practices and tools that will gain efficiencies and provide effective services that meet the needs of their clients.
This course provides 2.5 hours of continuing education.
Course Length: 1/2 Days
Tuition: $280.0
Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No